Monday, February 8, 2016

Top 5 reasons why I choose to stay in hotels while traveling

I am grateful to  anyone who offers to open their home to me while I am on the road. The opportunity to eat a home cooked meal almost makes me jump at the chance. Note food will always be at the top of  "what makes Sly happy list". Yet there is a risk that is taken when I accept such an offer. The following are a few examples I have had the misfortune to experience first hand.

1. "Don't mind me, Go back to sleep I am just sucking your cock." Really, at 3am I woke to a person under my sheets.  I politely removed his mouth from my cock. Packed and checked into a hotel.  He still ask me whenever I  visit San Diego if I wish to stay in his spare bedroom

2. Attempts at "pimping me out". The host tells his friends that I am visiting and decides to have a sex party. First of all, I have nothing against a good romp session. What I take issue with is being taken out of the decision making part. It is important for me to know exactly who you are inviting. They very well may be one of my stalkers. Do you think that person is going to share that there is a restraining order placed on him. This happens far too often and my response is always the same. Invite someone in my name without my consent and just as the guest start to arrive I will depart. Once more checking into a hotel. 

3. "I promise you will not even know I am here" famous last words. As a guest, It is my responsibility to share with a potential host what my basic needs are in order for me to be able to accept their offer. No food in this case is not the most important. My ability to work on my computer uninterrupted. Unlike most people, I can work anywhere that I am able to access my WiFi. That means long hours on the computer. Yes even up to but not limited to 11 hours. A host who demands my attention and is put off when I share that I am still working is not a good fit for either of us. 

4. Changing agreed upon expectations upon arrival. I will always take you at your word. Prior to staying with a host for the first time I try to be clear as to what their expectations are and share mine. If we both find each others concerns agreeable? Then upon my stay they decide to make adjustments without my consent. One example which has happened often enough, Which range from overt to direct demands for sex. I do not care how hot you might think you are. The fact that we did not agree upon this in the beginning, reeks of a hidden agenda. A person gets no brownie points for being deceptive. If you are sexually attracted to me and want to fuck? There is a place for that on my home page under contacts. I suggest you use it. Promise to be more receptive.

5. Poor hygiene, I do understand when a person just does not feel like washing clothes or cleaning their house/apartment. Please do not wait for me to arrive and then ask me to help you. Really, as a guest it is my responsibility to leave as small of a footprint as possible. Meaning that I clean up after myself. Do not ask me to clean up after you. It is likely I will volunteer to help anyway. But give me the chance to do so and not expect me to be your house keeper. 

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